What is a blessing and why is it important in a wedding ceremony?

Blessing Tree
The Blessing Tree

The art of blessing is not just connected with religion, where it is often thought of as asking for God’s approval or protection. But a wider interpretation of a blessing is something that helps of focuses a person or an event. Anyone can ask for a blessing, and anyone can give one.

We can bless one another and our world every day; it encourages the practice of living in gratitude, which brings happiness to us and to others. Since a blessing is really all about love, then where is it more appropriate to find it than in a marriage ceremony?

Just ask

It will be quite natural for a minister with some kind of spiritual background to offer you a blessing in your ceremony. Or you can simply ask for one. The purpose of it will be to focus the intention of the whole room, yourselves and your witnesses, on bringing the very best to your marriage, and also setting your intention as to the road you wish to travel together.

There are two very obvious places for blessings in a marriage ceremony. One is at the exchange of your rings. You give rings to one another as permanent symbols of your love.

They are intended to be on your fingers for the rest of your married life, and so it is common for a minister to bestow a blessing on them, that the rings may also represent a blessing to both of you.

This might also be a reminder that your love need not grow old as your hands will. Rather, your love can remain shining bright like your rings, and can mature through the years, as a good wine does.

Dismissal blessing

Just before you depart the ceremonial room as a married couple, it is very lovely to have a ‘dismissal’ blessing conferred on your union. This rounds off the ceremony and leaves everyone with a feeling of completion and good will.

It might be a simple form of words of your own choosing, or from a friend or family member, or it can be something the minister writes especially for you. Couples often like to choose this ‘dismissal blessing’ from a range of traditional ones, some of which are well known.

There are some lovely Celtic Blessings as well as some beautiful ones from indigenous traditions such as the Apache Wedding Blessing. Most of them are very poetic and are non-religious. For a simple ceremony, this one comes from the Navajo Nation of North America:

May the blessing of light, be with you always, light without and light within. And may the sun shine upon you and warm your heart until it glows like a great fire, so that others may feel the warmth of your love for one another.

If you are looking to create you own wedding vows or looking for a blessing and would like some help or support with the process please get in touch.

Use the contact form here or be bold call me. There is nothing I like better than a conversation on what I feel is the more important part or the marriage ceremony.

With Love, Judith Hampson
01309 674817

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